Team Spiders
We believe that every human being shares in the common quest for a decent and happy life.We can assist you in your quest by providing you a simple and profitable opportunity to earn money, while having enough time and freedom to pursue higher goals. And by helping yourself, you can easily then assist others improve their own quality of life.GoldQuest International was founded in 1998 by two diverse but formidable entities: an investment group from out of U.K. and Scandinavia and an Asian team of industry leaders with extensive Network Marketing experience.Together, they have put their strengths and integrity behind one of the most time-tested and proven business concepts throughout the world - the Customer Referral System.With its international headquarters in Hong Kong, considered the bastion of free trade in Asia, GoldQuest International combines the best of both the Corporate and the Networking worlds, ensuring success in every aspect of the business.At GoldQuest International, the Network is guaranteed to remain viable and distinct because it has a voice in all aspects of policy-making decisions. It is represented in the Board.GoldQuest International is not just a business, it is a life-changing force. It is built on people's dreams and aspirationsIn Quest for the Best Product, the Company chose to retail the One Ounce American Eagle gold coin, the One Ounce Canadian Maple Leaf gold coin, and a selection of gold coin jewelry
Gold Quest
Gold has always been the traditional hedge against economic uncertainties. It is known to be the most trusted medium of trade and value. Gold has remained as the standard and the worth on which stability and security are ascribed to.Over time, gold has always maintained an excellent track record of retaining its purchasing power regardless of devaluation, inflation, or economic downtrend. Minted by their respective governments, gold bullion coins are easy to buy, easy to sell, make great gifts as collector's items and can help you reach your long-term retirement goals.ONE OUNCE AMERICAN EAGLE U.S. gold coins offer an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and realize very desirable benefits including Preservation of Purchasing Power, Profit Potential, Financial Privacy, Ease of Liquidity and Timing: Potential Inflation Risks. Purchasing gold coins now is the best way to prevent a loss of your real wealth.ONE OUNCE CANADIAN MAPLE LEAF Made of 99.99% pure gold. The Royal Canadian Mint was the first world mint to commercially produce 99.99% pure gold. This innovation gave the Gold Maple Leaf instant recognition when it was introduced to the bullion coin market place years ago, and it remains the most well recognized and sought after bullion coin in the market today. All products retail for $700 or use our partial payment plan and pay only $300 and earn the balance of your purchase by referring others to GOLDQUEST International
Referal Business
Some of the most famous restaurants in the world have never spent a single cent for advertising yet they're always full. Why?… because the best form of advertising is "word of mouth". Endorsing a quiet cozy restaurant, or a wonderful movie, or a good product is something people from all over the world have already done since time immemorial. Imagine earning a certain percentage from referring customers to a particular business. Imagine also how you could multiply your income from all the customers that came down the line as a result of your direct and indirect referralsGoldQuest International offers high-income potentials for referring people to the company. The plan provides a part-time or full-time opportunity with earnings paid weekly based on calculations done daily. There are no territorial limits, enabling you to refer customers from around the world without having to leave your own locale.
Meaning Of Referal Business
I went to Gold Quest and said … “I wish to do some business with you… what I need to do”? Gold Quest said that I need to do shopping once and for all. I went for shopping and there were so many things to buy. But, amidst everything suddenly I saw a wonderful wrist watch, which works on a completely new technology called magnetic movement and is made of solid gold. Exciting!! I bought it. I went back to Gold Quest and asked what next?? Gold quest said, the moment you have bought this, you have become a business partner with us and we give you the license to take ahead our business. … I said wow…fantastic!!! I was enthusiastic and asked … so what is that I need to do? GQ said you need to talk about us…. Now that was really strange.Nike pays millions of dollar to Football player Mr. Ronaldo for talking about Nike, Cadbury pays Mr. Amitabh Bachhan in crores for talking about Cadbury, Hyundai pays Mr. Shah Rukh Khan in crores for talking about Santro, TATA pays Kajol and Mr. Devgan in crores for talking about TATA Indicom. … very similarly Quest pays YOU in crores for talking about Quest….. it is as simple as that.Once I buy the product, Quest gives me a valid IR (Independent Representative) ID number. Now what I need to do is to talk to two more persons and refer the company and the products. Remember, I said only two persons!!! If they wish they can also do the same what I have done and they now became business partners too. That’s all !! Your job ends here.I shall give an example. One year back, I bought a car. I told my wife and I told one of my good friends in office. I did not tell anybody else that I bought a car. After a week, I notice ten people coming and greeting me congratulations!!! I was amazed… did I tell them?? No. It is now a year over and at least 100 people know that I have a car. Did I go to all 100 people and told that I bought a car?? No…. It is called… WORD OF MOUTH ADVERTISEMENT… and that is the MOST powerful marketing strategy as on date in the entire world. Gold Quest makes use of that only!!Coming back to the plan. I introduce two business partners and my partners start duplicating what I did and it goes on.Now, for every product purchased by any one, GQ starts giving me some award points, which they call PUV (product unit value). 1 PUV is Rs. 1916 (US$ 42). Now let us see the figure below…Can you see, I have introduced two partners to the business? Now what my partners might have done? They have purchased a product of their choice. May be they also liked the watch I liked??? If they have purchased that, Gold Quest gives me 1 UV for each purchase. It is possible that they might have liked some other more expensive product… then Gold Quest will give me more UVs. So how many UVs I have with me now? 2 UVs…. Worth….yes Rs. 1916 ($ 42) + 1916 ($ 42) = Rs. 3832 (US$ 85).Now let us see what my partners do. See the figure below…Did you see what my partners did? Exactly what I did. They just duplicated. I just sat and watched.Suppose each of my new friends also have liked the watch or something worth the same price. Now Gold Quest sees that I have accumulated 3 UVs on my right and 3 UVs on my left. That makes Rs. 1916 / US$ 42 (I said 1 UV ~ Rs. 1916 / US$ 42…remember?) X 6 = Rs. 11,500 (US$ 250). Gold Quest sends me a cheque worth Rs. 11,500 (US$ 250).Now let us see what is happening further…. Remember I am not anymore watching. I am sitting and relaxing.Oh….wow…. can you see that?? I have accumulated 4 more UVs on my right and 4 more on my left….GQ sends me another cheque worth Rs. 11,500 (US$ 250) and says you still have 1 UV left on each side to get carried forward to the next step.This continues………After a few months I open up my genealogy and get stuck dumb…. See the following figure..My life is made………I just introduced two partners and that was all. ONLY TWO…. Even if I want to introduce more partners, I need to ask them to go and speak to my existing partners to arrange for his / her placement. The profit has to travel the entire network I have built by just talking to TWO persons..Now, wasn’t that business plan fantastic?What is the amount one should be earning then, if one is serious in the business??Say in April 2006, I introduced two partners…. I collected 2 UVs as award points … that mean Rs. 3832 (US$ 85). My partners started duplicating me and over a period of one year… see what happens.MonthsPartners introduced / UVs gainedGQ paid me (in Rupee) … UV x 1916 (US$ 42)Apr-0623832 (US$ 85)May-0647664 (US$ 170)Jun-06815,328 (US$ 340)Jul-061630,656 (US$ 680)Aug-063261,312 (US$ 1360)Sep-06641,22,624 (US$ 2720)Oct-061282,45,248 (US$ 5440)Nov-062564,90,496 (US$ 10900)Dec-065129,80,992 (US$ 21800)Jan-07102419,61,984 (US$ 43600)Feb-07204839,23,968 (US$ 87200)Mar-07409678,47,936 (US$ 174400)Apr-0781921,56,95,872 (US$ 348800)Total in the entire year3,13,87,912 (US$ 697500)Unbelievable figure??? Not possible?? Now listen carefully … what percentage of this figure do you think may be practically possible?? 20%??... does that mean Rs. 62 lacs (US$ 139500) ?? Is that a bad figure?.. well say if 5% of this is achievable ?... does that mean Rs. 15 lacs (US$ 34875)?? Is that a bad figure? Even 1% activity of the predicted structure fetches Rs. 3.1 lacs (US$ 6715).But when it will go perfectly, You start similing from the time you start getting your first cheque. As the frequency of the cheques increases you start smiling too much, more than Rs 138000 ( 3000 US$ ) per day per coin, the company says Mr.... you are financially free now, there are more needy people in the world than you who need it. All the extra earning is returned to the company and used for the welfare of the people given to organisations like THE FAQ ( Food and Agricultural Organisations) for upliftment of mankind.Remember, this will go on years after years.Now does that sound little interesting? If yes… I show you how you join the business NOW….Enrol: In you can register your name, fill in some required details and your referring persons IR ID. Pay Rs. 460 (US$ 9.95)by Credit card as an annual registration fees. In case you are not a credit card holder, you can always pay the amount through demand draft. There is no cash transaction for security reasons.Qualify: Purchase a product of your choice by online shopping and pay by credit card. My recommendation is A MMC watch or a coin series worth Rs. 30,000 (US$ 666) is ok. Payment is again done using your credit card or via demand draft.Activate: Introduce two partners and refer them the site to do the same.However, I would advise, you can seek my help before doing any experiments alone.
The Plan
In Quest for the Ultimate Plan Utilizing the Customer Referral program, GoldQuest International chose not to use the route of traditional advertising; instead, opted to tap into the power of the "word-of-mouth". To maximize the strength of word-of-mouth advertising the GoldQuest Referral Bonus Plan was created combining the best of existing compensation plans from the Network Marketing arena. The make-up of the Bonus Plan ensures that its referral base employs simple steps and procedures in conducting the business. GoldQuest International creates a unique advantage in today's competitive market. The Plan The flexibility of the GoldQuest Referral Bonus Plan offers you the opportunity to maximize your income from your referral group. Because of this, the plan is unique and revolutionary. Earnings are paid in US dollars. The plan also leverages income and provides a built-in inheritance clause for your heirs. Upon acceptance of your application as Independent Representative, a Tracking Center is established under your name to keep track of your referrals.To participate, you either purchase a coin or a coin jewelry from GoldQuest International for US$700.00, paying only a down payment of US$300.00. The balance of US$400 may be paid over the course of one year or through referral fees. At the end of the day, a sophisticated computer system customized for GoldQuest International calculates the number of your new direct and indirect referral sales and that number becomes the basis for your bonus check.The table above shows the simple steps you have to take to earn referral bonuses. You may wish to purchase several products from GoldQuest International each of which makes up another Tracking Center allowing you to develop additional incomes. The maximum bonuses a Tracking Center can earn in a single day is US$2,400; the computer calculates five days per week for each tracking center, thereby compounding your bonuses."We are all pilgrims on the same journey---but some pilgrims have better road maps." ----Nelson De Mille, the Talbot OdysseyNow YOU have the financial freedom… as well as the time to pursue your Quest.
The GoldQuest Advantage
1. Gold is gold.
2. Has universal market appeal.
3. Relative simple product. Easy to understand, easy to explain and present.
4. Has intrinsic value. No expiration.
1. Very simple. No complicated point system, positions or commission percentages.
2. One time purchase. No monthly maintenance.
3. No selling. No product inventory.
4. No quota. No time frame. No pressure.
5. No levels involved. No break-aways.
6. Commissions are paid out weekly! In US Dollars!
1. First of its kind in Malaysia.
2. Seamless operation. Worldwide market..
3. Pioneering stage.
Offering you the freedom to choose
GoldQuest Plan Compared
1. Two or more legs are allowed.
2. Overiding commissions are based on levels and positions. (i.e the farther away is the downline, the less commision is paid out.
3. There are "break-away" points on certain levels or positions.
4. Direct buying and selling of products maybe necessary.
5. There is a monthly personal and group quota.
1. Just two legs to build for every Tracking Center.
2. Commission for ALL levels is one and the same.
3. No break-aways, positions or confusing percentages.4. One-time purchase and definitely no further buying and selling of products required.
1. No legitimate product. May issue mere papers or certificates.
2. Has several "levels" that must be filled up (otherwise, the structure will collapse).
3. Those at the lower levels (downlines) cannot earn before those at the higher levels (uplines).
4. Those at the lower levels (downlines) cannot earn more than those at the higher levels(uplines).
1. Legitimate product line.
2. Downline can earn before an upline does.
3. Downline can earn more than the upline.
Note : This illustration is too simplistic but is fairly accurate as a general observation. Different plans have their own variations and have their own advantage and disadvantages.
Differences between MLM and GoldQuest
Multi-Level MarketingGoldQuest International
MLM is a direct selling business
GQI is a retail, commissionable business
All participants are membersAll participants are customers
Require membership feeNo membership fee required
All participants are membersAll participants are customers
Require membership feeNo membership fee required
Require purchase of starter kitNo starter kit required
Require extensive product knowledge, product training and demonstrationMinimum product knowledge, but no product training and demonstration
Products have no resale valueProduct has high resale investment valueRequire monthly purchase of productsOnly one time purchase of productRequire selling of product, hence monthly sales quota is necessaryAbsolutely no selling is required. Only referral work is necessaryThe emphasis is on sales of products and sponsorshipThe emphasis is on consistent referring onlyPays commission on levelsPays commission on volume numbers of referralsPays monthly commissionPays weekly commissionMonthly or weekly computation of transactionsDaily computation of transactionsCommissions can be forfeited or reduced because of difficult non-compliance of stipulationsNo forfeiture of commission because it has an accumulated spill-over featureCut-off limit of commission after certain specified levelsCommission is unlimited because of unlimited depth and unlimited TCsMarketing plan is based on point system of BV, PV, GV etc.No point system, hence faster direct paymentMarketing plan has complicated and many confusing percentages pay-outNo confusing percentages but simple, straightforward pay-outHas hierarchy system to denote ranking and statusEveryone is equal and fair. No fancy names neededOnly one account per personMany accounts or TCs possible. It is like buying many franchise
To grap this opportunity and to get details please contact Mr: Syed ,Mail to . Here you can able to get you life better by the grace of god. try this its precious opportunity and also the golden GOLD QUEST Opportunity.